Leading Change Blog

Leading Change Blog (119)
Thursday, 26 September 2013 14:32
The Accountability Leadership Book Blog Tour
Accountability Leadership is on a Book Blog Tour hosted by Orangeberry Book Tours. Di Worrall and Accountability Leadership will be hosted at least 60 blog stops around the world between September 2013 and April 2014. Here is an excerpt from one of my guest posts hosted by the Peace from Peaces blog on: The Din of Organisational Silence TUESDAY, 24 SEPTEMBER 2013 The Din of Organisational Silence by Di Worrall Slackers: The people at work, who contribute the minimum necessary, yet seem to get by. Everyone knows who they are but the workplace wall of silence and fear means that no-one confronts them directly, instead venting their frustration and resentment through whispers in the corridor and around the coffee…
Monday, 23 September 2013 16:36
Stakeholder Engagement and the Power of Imagery
Marketers understand that people buy a product because of its perceived value. A glossy page in Esquire that depicts a young professional with a beautiful model by his side using the latest iphone 5 can cause sales to soar among those who assume that the iphone will also deliver the beautiful model. A simple, well-designed logo can bring to mind a host of visual information planted in our subconscious; picture the Nike logo and hear the slogan "Just do it". Leaders have a vision, but most are not marketers. If all stakeholders in an organisation share the same vision -- employees, managers, investors -- they are more likely to support efforts towards its realisation, especially if they consider that they…
Tuesday, 17 September 2013 16:57
Enter Now for Your Chance to Win Accountability Leadership PLUS a $50 Amazon Gift Voucher
Place your entry at HERE for your chance to win Accountability Leadership on Kindle PLUS a $50 Amazon gift voucher.
Monday, 26 August 2013 14:32
Leadership Trust in a Digital Age
“Trust is equal parts character and competence... You can look at any leadership failure, and it's always a failure of one or the other.” Stephen Covey, The SPEED of Trust A leader builds trust by aligning his actions with his words. Equally important is his perceived competence and capacity to provide clear direction with transparency and integrity. Not easy to accomplish in a digital age when market, environmental and technological developments are occurring so much faster than the annual business planning retreat. External regulators struggle to keep pace, and internal plans and policies are out of date as soon as they are drafted, exposing leaders and their companies to the risk of falling out of step with employee and…
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Monday, 12 August 2013 13:48
Unshackle the Chains of Organisational Structure: Empowering Front Line Employees
Does your organisation struggle to remain responsive, flexible and competitive in the current environment? Perhaps you need look no further than the number of layers that have crept into your organisational structure over time (D Worrall, 2013, "Accountability Leadership"). Organisations with deeply hierarchical structures are often weighted down with superfluous layers of bureaucracy and decision making, unable to react quickly to changing demands. The power to make quick decisions is concentrated at a central point rather than being dispersed among frontline employees who have direct influence on customers and clients. There is a strong argument for flatter structures and cross-functional decision-making arrangements that are more aligned with today's customers who demand quick and effective responses from organisations. Those who are…
Monday, 05 August 2013 11:24
Accountability Leadership #1 Amazon Best Seller
It's the final day of the Accountability Leadership Book Launch on Amazon, and I am thrilled to report that we have reached #1 in the US Amazon best sellers list for Kindle Leadership Books. We also reached #1 in Canada and Germany. Thankyou to everyone who has made this such a succesful campaign.
Friday, 02 August 2013 15:05
Accountability Leadership Book Launch
The ebook Accountability Leadership is now available for instant download on Amazon. The book will be FREE on Amazon Kindle for 3 days between 2nd and 4th August 2013. Download your copy NOW by Clicking on the Download Here button below.
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Wednesday, 31 July 2013 14:47
Book Review: Accountability Leadership
Dr. Marshall Goldsmith, a world authority in successful leadership, notes in his article "The Success Delusion: Why It Can Be So Hard for Successful Leaders to Change" that an effective leader in the past is not necessarily a leader of the future. Times change, technology and the world of commerce continue to evolve and many organisations struggle to keep up with younger, more nimble competitors. Di Worrall's new digital book "Accountability Leadership: How Great Leaders Build a High Performance Culture of Accountability and Responsibility" provides an enlightened, current, accessible guide to those with leadership influence. The book covers extensive topics in a way that offers clarity and practical advice that will inspire organisational change for success in today's business…
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Monday, 29 July 2013 19:57
Leadership: Finding the Strength in Weakness
"I hate to be a failure. I hate and regret the failure of my marriages. I would gladly give all my millions for just one lasting marital success". J. Paul Getty J. Paul Getty was married five times. A billionaire many times over, a financial crackerjack, a business giant, a philanthropist, an innate leader, a humanist; there are so many ways to describe his genius yet he used the word "failure" to describe himself and his less than stellar performance in the mundane world of domesticity. Successful leaders are not necessarily "all rounders". Recognising that you have inevitable weaknesses will earn respect, and compensating for weaknesses through preemptive action reflects practicality and realism. Mark Zuckerberg awakened to the…
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Friday, 26 July 2013 11:19
The Rise of Rudeness
“These may not be the best of times, and these may not be the worst of times, but for sheer rudeness, these times beat the dickens out of most times.” ~ Roger McElvey, “Mr. Manners,” Men’s Health, May 1995 While leadership development programs may promote social and emotional intelligence, we’re not doing so well in our workplace interactions. Over the last 14 years, thousands of workers have been polled on how they’re treated on the job — and a whopping 98% have reported experiencing uncivil behaviour. In 2011, half said they were treated rudely at least once a week, up from 25% in 1998. These startling facts were published in “The Price of Incivility”, a January-February 2013 Harvard Business Review…